College of Economists of Catalonia

Insurance for college students

From the College of Economists of Catalonia, a collaboration framework has been agreed with the Alertis Brok-J.Tell Insurance Agency.

Quality service

We offer a quality service and personalized.

Future guarantee

We bring all our experience professional

A matter of trust

We guarantee the full defense and protection of your interests.


Health insurance

Let us take care of you and yours


Life insurance

If you have dependents, you need life insurance.


Accident insurance

Accident insurance is basic protection for you and your loved ones


Assegurança de decessos

Garantir la teva tranquil·litat i la dels teus és la nostra prioritat.


Assegurança de baixa laboral

Com que la teva economia no espera per la teva salut, si et malalts o tens un accident, et paguem per cada dia que no puguis treballar


Assegurança d’assistència en viatge

Captura de pantalla 2023-07-10 102030

Home insurance

Because every house is a world and your home is unique.


Car insurance

Choose the covers that best suit you and drive with peace of mind.

Unrecognizable girl in summer dress holding folded e scooter, convenient for city transport

Scooter, mobile and tablet insurance

With the rise of the electronic scooter, one of the needs that has arisen is to be well covered. In addition, discover your all-risk insurance for your Smart Phone or Tablet.


RC insurance for administrators and managers

Company administrators and managers are subject to an increasingly broad and complex responsibility


Cyber ​​Security Insurance

This type of policy offers more protection against modernizing cyber attacks.


Key Person Life Insurance

Home Key life insurance

Life insurance

The best price for your life insurance, just a click away, a solution to guarantee the future of yours.

It is a life insurance designed especially for Economists. It covers death and permanent and total disability 24 hours a day and worldwide.

If you have any doubts, contact us.

We will be more than  happy to advise you and help you find the insurance that best suits your needs.

    Life insurance form (

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